Sunday, December 23, 2007

Moving into Texas

Amy, Kristin, and I had a blast in Okinawa and still miss it a lot. However, we have to move on and get settled down here in Texas. There are some nice things about being back in the States...

Our vehicles don't have rust and were made after I graduated from high school...look how pretty...

Moving is never fun, though.

We set Kristin up in a corner of the house so she could color and watch movies on her portable DVD player (Thanks Papa George!) while we unpacked all our "junk."

Once we got in our house, Mommy and Kristin got to work setting up phone lines, internet, cable, and all that other fun stuff.

I had to get to work, but Kristin and Amy always make the long commute worth it when I get home!
We have had the opportunity to see a lot of good friends from the past since we have been back in the US. It is amazing how small and tight knit the military community is world wide. God has blessed us with some wonderful people in our lives. These pictures represent just a few of those.

We love you all!!!

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