Sunday, December 23, 2007


We decided to take a little detour on the way from Okinawa to Texas.

This is the view from our room.

Jonathan's sister, Mandy met us in Hawaii to enjoy the sunshine and cool breezes...and to watch Kristin so we could enjoy our anniversary!

View from our room to Mandy's...

One day we hiked up Diamond Head, a big volcanic crater on Oahu.

Kristin learned to chase birds in the park.

We saw a waterfall...nothing like in the movies...or even on Okinawa for that matter. Aha falls is still the best!

This is Kristin talking to an Army Major General (that's two stars). She's smooth.

We had a great time relaxing in Hawaii,
seeing the sights, and enjoying the luaus, and smelling the lais
Our luggage was crazy! ...but we had to "survive" for three months on what you see in this picture.

Kristin didn't like waiting in line at the airport much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love kristin's little pink polka dot dress. so cute! she has the best clothes

kriw (i cant be krik anymore because my last name is not kelly so i am kriw) ha ha