Sunday, December 23, 2007

Decorating for Christmas

We put up the Christmas tree right after Thanksgiving and were amazed at how much space we now have in our house. In our Okinawan apartment (They called it a "mansion.") everything was very close together. When we put up the Christmas tree, I felt like Chevy Chase on National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. :-)Thanks to a gingerbread house "kit" from some friends, we decided to start a new family tradition this year. As you can tell, Kristin has her mouth full of candy. She lined the tip top of the roof with all the gum drops...except for the ones she ate. :-) Mommy made a cool fence out of jelly beans. Daddy just made sure the frosting was edible. He tested it several times.

We are so proud of our creation!


Laura said...

welcome to Texas! hope you guys had a merry christmas! Thanks so much for the card. We are doing good, still here in NC

Laura said...

PS- our e-mail is!