Sunday, December 23, 2007

Leaving Okinawa

Saying goodbye has been so difficult!
We had to drive down the hill, out the gate and to our Okinawan apartment for the last time.

We had to take our last walk in our beautiful, quiet, Okinawan neighborhood.
Our last night in our apartment we slept on an air mattress. Guitar Hero was one of the last items to be packed up. :-)
Next step was TLF (temporary housing) while we waited for our flight out and said our goodbyes.
Kristin wore her kimono jammies a lot that last week.
Goodbyes are always tough. We miss our friends from Oki very much!!!!! These are just a few shots of some of the super people God allowed us to get to know in Okinawa...

Nice backpack, Matt!
At the airport we got to see the China Airlines jet that had exploded several days earlier. We have flown on that airline several times. ...not really the most comforting sight as you board your aircraft for a flight across the ocean.

I am so going to miss Asia. This guy's vest says "gas security." If you know me very well, I don't have to tell you how that made me feel. :-)

Bye bye Okinawa! I couldn't help wonder if I would ever set foot back on this island again. I hope so...
The long flight went very well, because Kristin was OUT COLD! Yesss!
These pics are actually from the airport in Honalulu on our way to the mainland. However, they fit here because I was eating the last of my Japanese snack foods. I love those pizza chips. They are so addictive!


We decided to take a little detour on the way from Okinawa to Texas.

This is the view from our room.

Jonathan's sister, Mandy met us in Hawaii to enjoy the sunshine and cool breezes...and to watch Kristin so we could enjoy our anniversary!

View from our room to Mandy's...

One day we hiked up Diamond Head, a big volcanic crater on Oahu.

Kristin learned to chase birds in the park.

We saw a waterfall...nothing like in the movies...or even on Okinawa for that matter. Aha falls is still the best!

This is Kristin talking to an Army Major General (that's two stars). She's smooth.

We had a great time relaxing in Hawaii,
seeing the sights, and enjoying the luaus, and smelling the lais
Our luggage was crazy! ...but we had to "survive" for three months on what you see in this picture.

Kristin didn't like waiting in line at the airport much.

Our Family

On our way to Texas, we got to stop in and see our families. What a blessing! Sometimes I don't realize how much I miss you all until we get to spend time with you again.

Kristin got to see Papa George and get some "sugar." She also got a car full of toys!

It is always great to see how much Andrew looks more and more like his Daddy.
We also got to see lots of Amy's cousins. I hate that we live so far from you all. We miss you lots!

We also got to stop and see Amy's mom down in Louisiana. Kristin had a great time with Mama Nessa. She has already been to San Antonio to see us, too!

On a side note, we got to eat at the Boudin King in Jennings, Louisiana. I had heard Amy talk a lot about that place and finally got to experience it. Delicious!
In Princeton, Kristin got to play with her Hurt cousins,

snuggle with uncle J.B.,

and play with Mama and aunt Mmmm.

I got to go on a hike with Papa, J.B., and Bradford through the woods.
It is amazing how much J.B. and son are alike! It's cool seeing you as a daddy, little bro.
We also got to ride four wheelers and watch Papa ride the tractor with Bradford.

Kristin got to see Granny Hurt and Uncle Mike and Wesley in Richmond, Kentucky.
C.J. was visiting from the University of Tennessee and stopped by to see us before hitting the road back to school.