Saturday, July 15, 2006

well... kristin little took her first airplane ride on july 11, 2006. first we flew from okinawa to taipei. we sat in taipei for about 4 hours (which was a great time for her to nap) and then we flew on to seattle. i couldn't believe how good she was on the plane. i think the fact that we flew during her normal nighttime sleeping hours really helped. but anyway... she didn't even cry once. and that was a relief. we sat next to a taiwanese man who was really nice and he didn't mind her at all. in fact, he even held her once and when we got off in seattle he helped me carry my bags.

and now we are in bremerton, washington hanging out with dristin! yay! we are so happy to see them. the apartment is really cool, but doug works a lot. kristin took all her time off while we are here and me and baby k slept until 11:30 this morning. washington is a beautiful place and their wedding spot is gorgeous! me and soon-to-be weglarz walked on the beach yesterday and found some diseased sand dollars. very interesting. and it's really cold here compared to oki. it's so good to spend time with them again. i didn't realize just how much i missed krazy kristin until i got here!

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