Friday, July 07, 2006


yep! we've been approved! our lawyer called this morning to let me know that the judge has approved our adoption! we're legal!!! yippee!

originally we thought the adoption would only take a month or so, but tennessee state law says that she has to live with us for a year before we could be approved. however, our lawyer showed that we are a special case - we all live in japan - and he successfully expedited our adoption!!! praise God!!!!

thank You, Jesus for making us parents!!!!!


Anonymous said...

yey! i am so excited and happy for you guys. good job stickin it out til the end. mini k is beautiful and i cant wait to see her again. god bless your endurance and trust in him. i love you!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you guys!! I am so glad that God gave you guys such a beautiful baby. You are a sure win for the greatest parents in the world award!!


Anonymous said...

Wow!! Thank you for sharing your very special journey with us all. What a joy and a privilege it has been to watch you become a family. Kristin is an absolutely beautiful little girl.

Debbie K

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! We rejoice with you in the news of the finalization of your adoption! What a journey and what a testimony to our Abba Father's goodness and great love for his children!
We love you guys!
Chris and Carrie

Anonymous said...

That's so amazing. What an awesome blessing to be able to adopt such a beautiful child when so many people aren't able to do the same. Good luck with being parents, be patient and trust that God will teach you all you need to know!!!

Anonymous said...

WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!! That is so awesome! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I AM SOOOOOO HAPPY FOR ALL THREE OF YOU!!!!!! Why do people keep saying there are no MIRACLES?! Welcome to the big, happy family of parenthood. Keep in touch.