Sunday, December 23, 2007

Leaving Okinawa

Saying goodbye has been so difficult!
We had to drive down the hill, out the gate and to our Okinawan apartment for the last time.

We had to take our last walk in our beautiful, quiet, Okinawan neighborhood.
Our last night in our apartment we slept on an air mattress. Guitar Hero was one of the last items to be packed up. :-)
Next step was TLF (temporary housing) while we waited for our flight out and said our goodbyes.
Kristin wore her kimono jammies a lot that last week.
Goodbyes are always tough. We miss our friends from Oki very much!!!!! These are just a few shots of some of the super people God allowed us to get to know in Okinawa...

Nice backpack, Matt!
At the airport we got to see the China Airlines jet that had exploded several days earlier. We have flown on that airline several times. ...not really the most comforting sight as you board your aircraft for a flight across the ocean.

I am so going to miss Asia. This guy's vest says "gas security." If you know me very well, I don't have to tell you how that made me feel. :-)

Bye bye Okinawa! I couldn't help wonder if I would ever set foot back on this island again. I hope so...
The long flight went very well, because Kristin was OUT COLD! Yesss!
These pics are actually from the airport in Honalulu on our way to the mainland. However, they fit here because I was eating the last of my Japanese snack foods. I love those pizza chips. They are so addictive!


Anonymous said...

Hurts! This is Blair! Ya'll left Oki, snap thats crazy. So are you at Lackland AFB? My bro is at basic there, his graduation is the 4th of January, he would love to see you guys. If you have AIM my screen name is uchinanch09. It would be great to hear from you and I could give you info on Justin. My mom is also coming down for his graduation. Have a Very Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys--You are so missed! Thanks so much for all the posts. It's awesome to see what you're up. I read every word and looked at every picture. We miss you guys tons! Love, the Oshmans