Monday, February 12, 2007

12 days in cambodia

what can i say about 12 days in a 3rd world country? i can say that i am blessed by God to have more than enough food to eat everyday and that i can receive quality medical care for my daughter just by calling in an appointment. my daughter has more than enough diapers and clothes to last everyday, which is more than what i saw there. but what i did see was beautiful children who had hope in their eyes. people, young and very old, waited in line for hours in 80+ degrees of heat without complaining to see the few doctors and receive what little medicine we had to give them (remember that the next time you have to sit 30 extra minutes in the waiting room). one older woman sat in front of me and grabbed my hands and kept repeating "thank you! thank you!" over and over in her native tongue. what was she suffering from, and for how long? i can't answer that, but she was grateful to see us that day!

as much of a burden as my heart was under when i met these people - their homes, their lack of food and clothes - i know that many of them came to Christ. that is why we went. they may have been there just to see the foreigners or to get medical help, but they all heard about Jesus Christ! and if they accepted Him, then they also recieved an eternity in Heaven, and that is better than anything else that they recieved!

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