Monday, July 28, 2008

change of plans

we changed our minds on which house to buy! i'm sure that isn't a shocker to most people who know us well! the old house is a 2700 sq ft. plan, which is beautiful and extremely nice. however, we just didn't have peace about it. this plan is much smaller - 1584 sq ft. jonathan liked it the first time he saw it, but i was the one who was caught up in the bigger house. this smaller house is just much more practical and it is a better size for our small family of 3. plus, we were not looking forward to huge utility bills, maintenance, mtg payments, etc. so now we have a real peace about this smaller house. we can't wait to move in! it should be ready around the end of august. we will still have plenty of room for guests!
unfinished kitchen. if you go under the arch that you see to the left of the screen and then go right, that is where the master bed and bath are.
the kitchen looks out into the living room. the hall to the right is where the front door is, and you can barely see the archway on the right side there. that is where 2 of the bedrooms are.

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