Monday, April 17, 2006


i don't know why alex is biting the head off our little girl, but she doesn't seem to mind! this was her first experience at the beach, and she pretty much liked it. well... she liked the first trip into the ocean, but after that i think she decided it was too cold. she's like her mommy... she'd rather sunbathe!

it was also her first retreat. we went to on shorebreak to tokashiki island with the impact youth group. it was awesome to be able to go for a few days. jonathan and i were really disappointed that we couldn't go for the entire week. we love the youth here so much and hanging out with them is one of our most favorite things to do. shorebreak was, of course, awesome! even though i had little krumpet, i was able to spend time with the most of the girls that i really wanted to. you have made such an impact on my life!

i don't have much more to say. i really just wanted to post these pics (thank you, zoe!).

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