Thursday, April 15, 2010

Videos of our girls

Kristin likes to "fly" onto mommy and daddy's bed, I think she got a little whiplash on the second throw. She was ready to go again soon afterward, though. :-)

This is the day we brought Kelcie home from the hospital. Kristin kept calling her "her baby."

Kristin thought it was hilarious that Kelcie could roll over.

Baby Kelcie is here!

Mama Nessa and Papa Mike came to see Kristin and Kelcie from Louisiana. Here are the girls getting to know each other.

Mama Hurt also got to stay with us for a week when we picked Kelcie up from the hospital. Thanks for all your help, Mom! ...especially with the feeding times :-)

Kelcie bonding with Mama. She loved listening to Mom's voice.

Kristin gave Kelcie a Minnie Mouse doll to welcome her to the family.

Kristin loves to hold her little sister, unless she is crying.

Amy and Kelcie during her last night in the hospital. We stayed in a special room for our family that was like a hotel room to help us get used to taking care of Kelcie under the watchful eyes of the nurses. I guess we passed. :-)

So cute, and so sleepy.

More sleepy time with the girls...probably watching Dora or Sprout.

This is Kelcie's first bedtime story with Daddy and Kristin. Kelcie didn't seem to be too interested in the book, so Kristin eventually said, "Mommy, can you hold her."

Hi everybody! My name is Kelcie Marie Hurt! I was born on 31 December 2009, and came home to live with Jonathan, Amy, and Kristin on 31 March 2010. I was only 2 1/2 pounds at birth, but now I am pushing 8lbs!

My big sister is Kristin. She is pretty cool. She gave me a Minnie Mouse toy and keeps saying, "Baby Kelcie is here!" She also likes to rub my hair and give me kisses.

What you lookin' at? You never seen a baby before?

This is boring me. I'm out.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Daddy's home!

All together again, making cupcakes for Daddy's birthday!

Our first meal out on the town at Red Robin (Jonathan wanted a big, juicy burger!).
It's so nice to snuggle on the couch again!

My wonderful girls meeting me at the airport!

Saying goodbye to Daddy. :-(

Pictures from the Airport.

Hanging out at Sea World one more time before I head to Afghanistan.

I hate this part...

Amy and Kristin in West Virginia

Kristin hanging out with Bradford and Carley.

Two beautiful princesses!

A big hug in Papa's office at church.

Opening presents at Uncle Chris and Aunt Margie's house.

Amy and Kristin while I was away

I love these pictures of Amy and Kristin having fun on the playground! I was amazed how much more brave Kristin is after I had been away for so long.

That ice cream looks MMMM gooooood!

I leave for a little while, and Kristin is already riding bikes with boys! This is our neighbor's son from next door. They are a very nice family, and Kristin loves playing with their kids. They have a daughter Kristin's age, too.

At church. What a cutie!

This is Kristin's teacher, Ms. Pat. She is super!

One last Kandahar pic...

One more picture that I HAD to share...
SSgt Davidson and I were challenged to a match of foosball by some British guys at the British coffee house. We whipped them...big time! I think the score was 10-4. All those hours in the youth center as a teenager finally paid off! I knew that skill would come in handy some day. I told them it wasn't a waste to purchase a foosball table for the church. :-)

Sights in Kandahar

I did over 10,000 push ups in the month of November as part of a wing-wide challenge. It helped pass the time and get me in shape for the new Air Force PT standards, but it hurt! Can you see how red my head is...
The Chuck Norris wall is a nice addition to one of the gym tents on base. WARNING! If you zoom in on this picture, you might see things you will wish you had never seen.

Yes, there are goats...even on base.

The picture below this one is a "Jingle Truck." The Afghans really like to spice up their heavy equipment. I thought this would go over great with the coal trucks in West Virginia. I'm sure it will catch on soon, especially with the Dolins. :-)

I'm a pirate! Arghhh. Actually, this is outside the Air Control Squadron, who were all there from Mountain Home AFB...our first assignment. They are the "Double Daggers."

My office...along with four other people. Space is pretty limited at KAF

The "international" airport.

Somewhat disconcerting name for a fuel truck, don't you think?

Saying a prayer for those who have the ominous task of delivering these.

Pizza Hut delivers EVERYWHERE!

Mosque just over the fence.