Tuesday, October 24, 2006


and i can't complete my posting without a couple pictures of kristin little!

good fight

it's time to post more pics and these are pretty fun! jonathan's service, project 196, had a picnic in the park this last sunday. as part of the entertainment, there was a blow-up boxing ring. jonathan and i couldn't wait to get in and duke it out. this is good marital bonding!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

japanese stuff

just a few more pictures of what okinawa is like.

a day at the beach

today we took some time to go to soseko island. what a great day!

on the way back we encountered a detour. apparently, the folks on soseko are making their part of the huge rope for the big tug-of-war in naha tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

this is a really pretty road that we sometimes drive on. the americans call it Gate 2 street.

this is the seawall where i like to run.


some of my family members are wondering what okinawa looks like. well... here are some shots from our perspective.